Ramblings of a Dietetics Major

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God

Can I just say that the past year has been hard? Don't get me wrong, many happy things have happened and I am so blessed in the life God has given me. But, commuting daily to an amazing (but out-of-the-box and challenging) job, being very involved in your various communities, and being newly married to a student in the final stages of his PhD work is not a cakewalk. Combined with turbulent political climates across the globe, two friends committing suicide, and general adult growing pains, it has been a lot to handle. My downfall is too much empathy, not too little, which combined with my desire to "do" and "fix" often leaves me feeling incredibly inadequate, overwhelmed, and guilty that I should be doing more. 

But, God reminded me today of what my life is meant to be. Micah 6:6-8 provides an excellent reminder of what life really should be about. I can't solve childhood obesity. I can't make everyone feel loved and valued. I can't end health disparities. I can't be the best family member. I can't even have a tidy and organized house all the time. And I definitely can't do all of these at once. Instead of being overwhelmed and frustrated by what I can't accomplish, I'm choosing to focus on the essentials of what is truly important. And, I think that maybe, just maybe, by refocusing on these things as my primary goals, the "big" desires I have to serve others just might happen. 

There truly is mercy, hope, and joy. And for this, I am forever thankful. 
Image taken from LostBumblebee, http://lostbumblebee.blogspot.com/