Ramblings of a Dietetics Major

Monday, October 22, 2012


As many of you know, I did something crazy, difficult, and altogether worth it two weeks ago. On October 7th, I, along with 40,000 other people, ran the Chicago Marathon. The experience was better than any I could have hoped. The weather was great, the course varied and well designed, I ran the entire way, and I finished in my goal time (4:20:07). I was only sore for two days afterwards and I think it is only now that the fact is sinking in that I ran a marathon. 26.2 miles. I never doubted that I could do it, but I never really thought about it being, shall we say, a big deal to actually complete the race until now. I was honored to be able to run the race with ONU friends, with the combined fundraising efforts of Team World Vision being enough to provide clean water for 64,000 Africans! God is so good!

As I already mentioned, the social aspect of being back in Chicago was great. Thanks to the hospitality of my dear college roommate, I was able to stay in the city and visit with other college friends. We were even able to have lunch with my newly-moved-to-Chicago brother. Score! Before and after the race, it was great to catch up with even more friends who are currently students at Olivet. A good weekend, for sure. And, the two tests that I had right after arriving back in Iowa City went just fine, in spite of my worries given the busy weekend devoid of studying.

Because I love pictures, here are a few for you to peruse. I know you want to see me in all my athletic-ness. :)

 Science major honors kids rock marathons :)
 In April, I convinced this girl to run the marathon with me. And we did it!
Sightseeing at Loyola with dear friends
So now, two weeks post-marathon, I find myself in the midst of trying to rediscover Martha. Now, don't go thinking I'm depressed or something of that sort, because I am not. I'm still the perky person you all know and (hopefully!) love. However, whenever I have finally completed a season of extreme busyness and stress due to homework, projects, rotations, marathon training, work, lack of sleep, etc., I have to step back and get used to normal life again. And it's always just a little bit weird. I have to remind myself that it is okay to sleep, a schedule of priorities is not needed at all times during the day, and I don't have to be actively doing something every waking second. Don't get me wrong, I still have plenty to do and keep me busy, but in comparison to previously, this seems like a lot less. I'm thankful for these times, even though they are almost more difficult for me than the crazy busy ones, because they remind me that I am very much a Martha, which can be a weakness even while it is a strength. My worth is not based on how much I get done and how busy I am. I am not being lesser of a Christian or person for actually having unplanned- and unspoken for free time. Quiet is good. After all, God rested on the 7th day. And Martha can, too.
In internship news, I finished my neuro rotation on Friday, which was a great experience. Due to circumstances at the hospital, it worked out that I was able to cover the floors by myself for about half of my rotation. My preceptor was still available for questions, etc., but I was flying solo for 4-5 days of my 9 day rotation. I've found that I tend to learn better by doing things on my own, so this worked perfectly. My next rotation is outpatient bariatrics, in which I'll get to watch surgery and be involved with more individual counseling. I'm excited!
There are other musings and thoughts going on in the mind of Martha right now, but more on those later. Maybe once something comes out of them. We shall see...
Have a fabulous Monday, my friends!

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